Colton 911: Temptation Undercover Read online

Page 9

  Maya turned to Damon. Come back.

  I’ll try, but it’s up to your mom.

  Maya tipped her head up to see her mother. I want him to come back.

  Ruby pointed toward the living room and signed, Go watch your cartoon.

  Maya did as she was told. Damon was touched by her kinship toward him. He had never had a child look up to him like that.

  Alone with Ruby, Damon had a point to make, and he hoped to lower Ruby’s guard enough to let him protect her.

  “Are we finished?” Ruby asked.

  “Not quite. I need to talk to you about my case,” he said.

  Ruby turned to a cutting board where she had been in the process of making a salad. “I can’t help you with that.”

  “I need to be sure you’re all right,” he said.

  Ruby looked out the patio door. What was she looking for? Mercer’s men? Did she fear they’d come after her? She should.

  “I am all right.”

  “Ruby...” How could he convince her she shouldn’t be alone right now?

  “You still haven’t solved your case. How will I know you aren’t still trying to use me?”

  “I never intended to use you, Ruby. You have information about Mercer that I need.”

  “Do I?”

  He went to stand beside her. “Truthfully, I wondered about that. I didn’t think you knew anything that would help me make arrests. Then I began to have feelings for you, and I didn’t like playing a role, deceiving you. That’s why I considered being pulled from the case.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  “No, because this is bigger than me. It isn’t only about arresting a bunch of murderers and criminals. I lost a friend and colleague because of them. He had a family and was a good man. He didn’t deserve to be snuffed out like that.”

  Damon saw Ruby recognize his passion. He was a man of justice. He upheld right and hated wrong. He actively defended and fought them respectively.

  “What happened to him?” she asked.

  “He was shot when he met with a confidential informant. The informant was killed, too.”

  Her mouth frowned in sympathy. “I’m sorry about your friend. Truly, I am. I can see you’re doing what you feel you have to do, and for good reason. I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same.”

  While that all sounded encouraging, she had a tone that led up to a wordless but. He was doing what he had to do and that had included lying to her.

  “Ruby, most of what I told you was the truth,” he said.

  She nodded. “Maybe. But when you were lying, I couldn’t tell at all. I still can’t tell the difference between you when you lied and when you didn’t. All I know for sure is you are a really, really good liar.”

  “I have to be. If I’m not, then I’m a dead man,” he said. Didn’t she understand that?

  “I thought we were headed for something meaningful.”

  “Maybe we are.” He wasn’t ready to commit to that yet.


  Despite the fact it would probably be the nail in a coffin that represented the end of them as a couple, he could not mislead her. “Yes, maybe.”

  She seemed all the more disappointed. “I thought things were going well between us.”

  “They were,” he said.

  “No, I mean well enough to start thinking about the future.”

  What had she thought? That he would propose? Already? It had been seven months since they had first met, but just a couple of weeks since they’d begun dating, but Damon was not a man who dove into anything serious with a woman, not anymore.

  “I had more than one reason for taking it slow with you,” he said. “The case, and my engagement to a woman I should never have trusted.”

  Ruby scoffed at that. “Well, then you have an idea how I feel right now.”

  He was forced to acknowledge that. “I know what it’s like to be betrayed. My relationship with Laurel was different than this, though. I thought she was someone other than who she really was, and she deliberately misled me.”

  “Like you did with me,” Ruby said. “Sounds exactly the same to me.”

  “She lied about her past and about her feelings for me. I never lied to you about either of those things.”

  She studied him a while. “So you don’t have any plans to be with a woman long-term?”

  “Plans? No. I’m open to the possibility, but it will have to be right. I have to be sure. And it’s too soon for us. Surely you can understand that. You didn’t want to rush into anything, either.”

  “No, but it’s been a long time.”

  Was she arguing they should become a committed couple?

  Suddenly, she closed her eyes and waved her hands as though negating what she just said. “I’m getting off track.” She looked at him with new resolve. “It’s good you don’t want anything lasting with me. I don’t want anything lasting with you, either. I’ll never be able to trust you, which I’m sure you can relate to. I bet you’d never trust Laurel again.”

  No, he wouldn’t. “That’s different. She was sleeping with someone else. Who wants to marry someone who has no principles when it comes to that?”

  “Who wants to be with someone who made them believe they were a bartender when in fact they were an undercover agent?” she said.

  Damon sighed. He’d get nowhere with her today. His first concern was her and Maya’s safety.

  “I think you should come and stay with me. You and Maya shouldn’t be alone,” he said. She might not trust him or like him much right now, but she had to see she was in danger.

  “I’m not alone. My mother is here.”

  “You could be putting her in danger.”

  That gave her pause, he saw. She averted her eyes, brow lowering in consternation. She would be defenseless by herself. Her mother would be no help.

  “She might be in more danger if she’s here alone. What if they hold her hostage?”

  “Is there somewhere she can go until this blows over?”

  Ruby looked out the patio door again, then through the side kitchen window, where she must have a partial view of the street.

  “Has something happened?” he asked. “You seem nervous.”

  “I’ve been nervous ever since Kid was killed,” she said.

  He watched her for a bit. She fidgeted with her hands, and fear joined the consternation in her eyes. He had seen her like this before, but now she seemed more concerned. “You would tell me if something happened, right?”

  She put down the knife and turned to face him. “You mean like you told me things when I didn’t know who you were?”

  Frustrated, Damon sighed. “Ruby, come on. I’m worried about you.”

  Ruby met his eyes, and he saw a flicker of wavering stubbornness.

  “Don’t let what’s going on between us stop you from being safe,” he said.

  “I can be safe without you. If I need help, I’ll call 911.”

  “If you get the chance.”

  She lowered her head and folded her arms. He decided not to push her more. He was going into the bar tomorrow. He’d get a sense of how impatient Santiago was getting.

  “At least call me if you need someone to be with you and Maya. And send your mother away.”

  “I’ll send my mother away.”

  Damon heard doubt in her tone. She was considering staying with him. That was good. She had twenty-four hours to come to her senses. He’d lure Maya and put Ruby over his shoulder and carry her out of this house if he had to.

  He moved closer to her and put his fingers under her chin, tipping her head just a bit. Enough to touch her lips with his. Just a brief reminder of how good they were together—and also of his determination.

  When he finished, he held her gaze with his. “Most of it was real, Ru

  “Was it?” Her gaze flitted between his eyes. “Or are you just very good at your job?”

  She thought he was manipulating her right now.

  “Let me prove it to you,” he said.

  “How can you do that? Propose marriage to me?”

  Was she challenging him? Baiting him to see what he would say?

  “I don’t think we’re there yet, Ruby.” He still had trust issues from the last time he had proposed marriage.

  “No, you aren’t there yet, Damon, because you were never there. You never felt the same as me. You were doing your job.”

  “That isn’t fair. I told you about Laurel, how she cheated on me. I never saw it coming. You aren’t the only one who made a mistake with someone. You can’t have that all to yourself. Other people have been hurt and betrayed, too.”

  “So are you saying you have no plans to get married and have kids?” she asked.

  “No, that is not what I’m saying. I think I will eventually. I just haven’t planned on when.”

  “You would know by now if you felt strong enough about me to at least consider it,” she said.

  “Have you?” he asked. He truly wanted to know. “Do you feel strong enough about me to consider it?”

  She averted her face, and he had his answer. She wasn’t any more certain than he. She had trust issues the same as him. Different circumstances, but their experiences had done the same kind of damage.

  “Let’s just agree to get along for now, all right?” he said. “I need to keep you safe, Ruby.”

  She looked at him for several seconds. “I’ll think about staying with you until your investigation is over.”

  He nodded. That would have to be enough for now. “Thank you. I’ll stop by tomorrow afternoon, then.”

  “All right.”

  He backed away from her. “Keep all your windows and doors locked.”

  “I will.”

  Damon turned to go, hoping it was safe to leave her alone. He didn’t think so, but he knew she did need some more time. He’d drive by a couple of times tonight just to be sure. He didn’t like leaving her like this. He also didn’t like what their conversation today had dredged up. He thought he was long over Laurel’s betrayal. Turns out it was still fresh. For the first time since the weeks after he’d discovered her treachery, he wasn’t sure he’d ever be ready again for marriage.

  Chapter 7

  Ruby struggled with Damon’s suggestion to stay with him. For a very real reason, she wondered if she should not hesitate to accept his offer. He was right. She was in danger. Her daughter was in danger. But she had no recourse. Local police couldn’t help her in the short-term. She had no friends well versed in dangerous people. She only had Damon’s expertise. The note said Kid’s men were watching her. It hadn’t said they’d take any action. It hadn’t said they’d harm her if she didn’t deliver whatever they demanded.

  She hadn’t slept much last night. She kept getting up and looking out windows. Her mother had agreed to go stay with her brother and had packed and left this morning, her parting words still echoing.

  “Go stay with Damon, Ruby.”

  She had called work and said she wouldn’t be in the rest of the week. She also wasn’t going to class. Her professors had agreed to let her make up the coursework.

  Maya sat at the dining-room table coloring, and Ruby was in the living room watching the news, trying to calm her nerves.

  The doorbell rang, and she all but leaped off the chair. Going to the door, shock and fear zapped her. She recognized Sonny Cooper. He had been one of Kid’s men. Average height with dirty-blond hair, his blue eyes were creepy. Fear palpitated through her.

  “I know you’re in there, Ruby. I need to talk to you,” Sonny said through the door.

  “What do you want?” she asked, picking up her cell phone from the console by the door. Should she call 911?

  “Let me in,” Sonny said.

  Ruby remembered seeing all of Kid’s men carrying guns. She tried to calm her nerves. Her heart raced.

  “I can’t. My daughter is here.”

  “All the more reason to let me in. If you don’t, I’m going to break down this door.”

  She’d like to see him try. It was a metal door. But he could break a window and still get in. Or go around to the back and break in there. She didn’t want to cause Maya any trauma.

  “If you do that, I’ll call the cops.” She held up her phone and tapped in 911 without connecting the call.

  “They won’t get here in time to help you. Let me in. All I want to do is talk. I’m not going to hurt you or your daughter.”

  Said the snake to the cute and cuddly chipmunk.

  Ruby glanced at Maya, who still colored as though an evil man were not on the other side of the door.

  “I’ll come outside.” Ruby opened the door a crack and glanced up and down the street. A neighbor was walking their dog, and cars passed.

  She stepped outside and closed the door behind her.

  Sonny observed her. “You’re looking good.”

  What a sicko. “What do you want?” she demanded harshly. Her mama-bear instinct kicked in. She would do anything to protect her daughter.

  “I want what my boss wants, and that is to find out where Kid stashed a significant amount of valuable guns and ammunition.”

  “I don’t know anything about that. Kid didn’t share his work with me.”

  That didn’t seem to please Sonny much. “You know, I always liked you, Ruby. You were always nice to me.”

  “I try to be nice to everyone.” No matter how despicable they happened to be. Being nice sometimes was a life-preserving strategy, but a man like Sonny wouldn’t understand that.

  “See, I think you do know something. And if you don’t, then that adorable little girl in there probably does, since she was with Kid up until he went and got himself capped.”

  “Maya would have told me or her therapist, and she hasn’t. She doesn’t know anything. She’s only five years old. Keep her out of this.”

  Sonny leaned close, his ice-blue eyes threatening. “This is a courtesy visit, Ruby. If you won’t tell me where the weapons are, then tell that boyfriend of yours. Either way, I need to know.”

  “Is Damon working with you now?” she asked.

  “In a manner of speaking.” Sonny straightened.

  What did he mean? Was he worming his way into Kid’s organization? That made sense, since it was his investigation.

  Sonny leaned close again. “You only get this one courtesy visit.”

  “Was that note a courtesy, too?” She probably should keep her tone polite rather than sarcastic, but she couldn’t help it. She despised everything this man stood for. And a fighter rose up to protect her daughter.

  “Yes, it was. Santiago asked me to first send you the note and then pay you a visit. The next time we cross paths, it won’t be good for you. Give Santiago what he wants.”

  “I don’t know where the guns are,” she said with a raised voice. “I didn’t even know Kid was dealing them.”

  “You know, Ruby,” Sonny said. “Don’t lie to me.”

  “I don’t! You have to believe me.”

  Backing up, Sonny turned with one last spine-chilling look and walked to a car parked on the street, a driver waiting there.

  Ruby went back inside, agitated, frustrated and scared. She saw Maya had noticed her disappearance. She stood by the front door, a questioning look in her eyes.

  Where did you go?

  Nowhere, Ruby signed back. Someone stopped by to talk. They’re gone now.

  I’m hungry, Maya signed.

  “Okay. Let’s get you fed.” Ruby signed along with speaking aloud. Then she walked into the kitchen and began preparing lunch. All the while she kept mulling over what to do about San
tiago. She had to find a safe place for Maya, and the only thing that came to mind was Damon.

  Settling her daughter down at the table, Ruby cleaned up and stepped into the living room. Seeing the front blinds open, she went to close them. As she reached for the cord, she saw a familiar car parked on the street. Cigarette smoke floated up from the driver’s window.

  Ruby closed the blinds, shaken. They would be watching her all the time now. Unsettled, she didn’t feel she had much of a choice. She could go to the police, maybe call Sean, but legally what could they do but stop by and check things out? She didn’t want to impose on Sean and January. They had done enough for her.

  Back in the kitchen, Maya had finished her lunch. She got her daughter’s attention.

  I need you to go pack a bag, Maya. We’re going to stay with Damon for a while.

  Maya’s whole face lit up, and she laughed. Ruby loved the sound. But she adored Damon way too much. Her attachment to the man bothered Ruby. It also touched a deep spot in her heart where she had no control. She just had to stay focused. Maya’s safety was a number-one priority. She would take her to Damon, at least temporarily, until she figured out another option.

  Taking her cell to her own bedroom, she called Damon.

  “Are you all right?” Damon asked when he answered.

  “Yes, but one of Kid’s men just stopped by asking about guns and ammo.”



  “Damn. That’s not good, Ruby.” Damon sounded tense with concern.

  “I know.”

  “Please come and stay with me,” he said.

  “That’s why I called. Is it all right if we stay there until we find another safe place?” she asked.

  Silence met her across the wireless connection. “You can stay here for as long as you need to,” he finally said.

  “Damon?” She said his name unbidden, her trepidation showing. She couldn’t take it back now.

  “I know, Ruby. Let’s get you somewhere safe, and then we’ll take it from there. I understand you don’t trust me personally, but please trust me as a DEA agent.”

  His words rang true with her. This wasn’t personal. She and Maya were in danger. “Okay.”