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Her P.I. Protector Page 8
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Page 8
“He didn’t want to be alone after his wife died,” Julien said. “No, I don’t think he loved her. Not the way he loved Luna.”
Julien knew Redford was never the same after his wife died. He was vulnerable when he met Evelyn. She filled a void and that’s all, he thought.
“Where is she now?” Skylar asked.
Julien didn’t like thinking about Evelyn walking around alive and spending all that money. “She sold their house in Idaho and moved to Texas to be closer to her kids. No doubt so they could take care of her in her old age,” he said.
Skylar leaned forward and placed her hand over his on the table. “Losing your uncle that way must have been so hard.”
“What I find the most disturbing is that, in my heart, I just know she killed him, but I have no evidence.”
“You couldn’t get an autopsy?” Sitting back again, Skylar’s eyes widened with shock and fascination.
“I could have forced them to do one, but the doctors said an autopsy wouldn’t produce any conclusive evidence.” He blew out a frustrated breath. “Trust me, if I thought there was the slightest chance of sending her off to prison to rot where she belongs, I’d have made sure she was charged with murder.”
“That, I believe,” Skylar said. “You are not the giving up type.”
“That’s the only murder case I was never able to solve.” And that was what bothered him the most—that he hadn’t been able to solve it and that his uncle was the victim. “That’s why I’m still here,” he told her, reaching out for her hand. “Because I won’t give up until I find the guy who shot at you.”
Chapter 7
Skylar took Julien’s hand as he helped her into the Italian Gondola. He’d surprised her by walking her over to the Mandalay Canals after dinner. She sat on the bench and he sat next to her, putting his arm around her, while a man rowed behind them.
“This canal was inspired by the canals in Venice,” he said.
She took in the stone arches of a building they passed and the streetlights shining on a few people walking in front of a closed shop and a dimly lit restaurant. Terra cotta roofs slanted down, and they floated beneath a stone bridge.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Yes. It’s one of my favorite things in the city,” he said.
“You’re a romantic?” He didn’t strike her as the type. He seemed too manly for that. But then, she supposed even the most manly of men could be romantic when he wanted a woman. Did Julien want her?
“Just showing you Irving.”
The idea of him wanting her flirted with her heartstrings. “I’ve been to Irving a lot.” She knew the city well. “I do like the city, Julien. I just don’t want to live in it.”
He said nothing and faced forward, looking at another approaching stone bridge.
“You do realize I’m going have to take you on a hayride now,” she said, teasing him. She didn’t want to ruin this perfect evening with him, and dared to call it a date. It was a date, wasn’t it? He hadn’t actually asked her on one. He had only said he was taking her to dinner in Irving.
He chuckled. “I look forward to it.”
Ever since she’d learned they had different predilections about places to live, she had been thinking more and more about how she’d given up her dream of interior design. She did love the ranch and the animals, but she had never given interior design a chance. How could she say that career wouldn’t give her the same passion as ranching?
She imagined designing a client’s house, maybe an old Victorian, and her mind raced with colors and textures and furnishings. She felt good, as she always did when she made changes in her own house.
The boat floated by an upscale restaurant where a couple sat at a small round patio table, holding hands beside a glowing candle. Skylar felt warm and relaxed. The ambience couldn’t be better, especially with a man like Julien, who had clearly put a lot of thought and planning into this evening. She had never met a man who treated her this special.
Skylar adjusted her body to fit closer to Julien’s, snuggled in the curve of his arm. She rested her head on his shoulder and gave in to the lights of the shops and businesses that lined the canal.
Julien’s hand caressed her arm, automatic and purely innocent. She closed her eyes to the sweetness.
When she opened her eyes and looked up, she saw Julien’s face so close to hers. His eyes were warm with...not passion, but relaxed chemistry. She could think of no other way to describe the exchange. They had a fiery connection but, right now, just being together felt good. So right. She had never felt this way with any other man.
Disconcerted, she moved her head and looked up at the stars, clearer now that the gondola had floated away from the brighter building lights.
By the time the gondolier steered over to the side of the canal, indicating to Skylar that the tour was over, she was relieved. She needed some space from Julien, from this growing intimacy. Overly conscious of her sexy dress—one she had chosen for this date—she stepped onto the dock. Julien tipped the gondolier and put his hand on her lower back as he guided her to the street.
Seeing the sleek sedan and a driver waiting, she wondered how Julien could afford all of this—the elegant dinner, the gondola ride, the rented car.
Julien opened the back door for her and she slid inside, settling on the back seat to wait for him to reach the other side and get in.
Skylar doubted even a prestigious private investigation agency like Dark Alley would provide a sedan for a personal night out.
“What made you arrange for all of this, Julien?” she asked.
“I wanted us to have a special night.”
“But...why?” She really needed to know. Was he interested in her or was he trying to find out how viable they were as a couple?
“To provide an escape from bodies wrapped in plastic and the threat of another attack or house invasion,” he said.
Hoping to hide her disappointment, she turned away and watched the streetlights pass.
“And because I wanted to spend some time with you like this,” he added. “Because I like you.”
Turning back to him, she felt butterflies tickle her abdomen. “Then you are as curious as I am. And this is a date, isn’t it?”
“Sure. I wanted to see what this thing is between us. When I kissed you, it made a big impact.”
Skylar felt the same. Although she also wondered if there was anything to them as a couple, she wasn’t sure they should delve into it too much. “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble just for that.”
“If you’re worried about the money I spent on tonight, don’t. I have money. My parents set up trust funds for me and my sister. They made a fortune on their flower seed farm. We’re set for life.”
Skylar lost her breath. She stared into Julien’s blue eyes, struggling with her passionate reaction to him as a man and the meaning of what he had just said. She couldn’t process how his words threw her off kilter.
He had money. He wasn’t anything like Bryce or the other men like him who had used her to get to her wealth.
“So, now you know I’m not after you for your money,” he said.
Her body flushed with sexual need. He triggered a primal reaction in her. “I hate that you felt you had to tell me that. I hate even more that it makes me feel safer with you.”
He chuckled. “The night isn’t over yet.”
What did he mean by that? She glanced around, seeing where the sedan was headed. Not in the direction of the ranch. The driver was taking them deeper into the city.
She turned back to him. “Where are you taking me?”
“I want to show you where I live.”
* * *
Julien thought the evening was going pretty well. Against his better judgment, primal instinct ruled and he feared he was about to throw caution to the wind, as
it were. Ever since Renee, he’d decided to heed his most painful lessons, give credence to that adage “fool me once...” He’d promised himself to never take a risk on a woman if he had the slightest bad feeling as to the outcome.
He had that with Skylar. His gut told him being involved with her would surely result in heartbreak. Yet he could not turn away from Skylar. She was nectar to a hummingbird. Pollen to a bumblebee.
Add to that her predicament and his innate nature to protect her, and he was lost. He wouldn’t turn away from her until the man who’d shot at her was found.
The sedan stopped and Julien got out before the driver, holding his hand for Skylar as he opened her door. She took it and rose up out of the back seat. He looked around as he always did—a habit he had developed during his days as a cop and a Ranger. A car parked along the street half a block down caught his immediate attention. He watched it surreptitiously. The car stayed parked and although a good distance away, the driver’s head seemed turned toward them.
Julien bent back into the car and told the driver, “Wait just a second.” Then he straightened and faced Skylar so that he could still see the parked car.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Just a minute.” With another covert glance, he saw the stranger drive away. Still not convinced they were out of danger, Julien waited until the car disappeared before telling the driver to go.
Unable to shake off the uneasy feeling creeping up his neck, Julien kept Skylar in front of him to block her from whoever was in the car. What if the stranger came back?
Opening the apartment building door, he ushered her inside, trying not to let his caution alert her. Then he let go of her hand and turned to peer out the window of the closed door. He could see the car. A man got out and started walking purposefully toward the building.
“What’s wrong?” Skylar asked, sounding nervous. Evidently she’d picked up on his tension.
“I’m not sure.” He watched the man walk toward them, look up the tall apartment building and then at the door—as though wondering what floor they were heading to?
As the man neared, Julien left the entryway and stepped out onto the sidewalk. The man met his direct gaze. Julien wasn’t sure he was the same man who had attacked Skylar. Maybe the same build, with dark hair and brown eyes.
Julien moved the lapel of his jacket to reveal his holstered pistol as he broadened his stance and squared his shoulders.
The man looked down then back up at his face, veering away. “Dude.” He hurried past.
He was just a pedestrian passing by. He wasn’t the attacker. The man glanced back a few times before Julien turned to reenter his apartment building.
“Who was that?” Skylar asked, anxiety clear on her face. “Is everything okay?”
“Nobody. We’re safe.” He put his hand on her lower back to calm her nerves and walked with her toward the elevators.
Her eyes lost their worried look and he wondered if his reassurance had done that or if it was due to his hand on her body.
After an elevator ride and short walk down the hall, he let her into his apartment on the top floor of the building.
Entering the open space of the living room, she walked immediately to the wall of windows that offered a view of downtown Dallas. Irving and Dallas were close and Julien lived in Dallas. Then she turned in a slow circle, inspecting his apartment.
“There’s not much here. You live a very clutter-free life,” she said.
“It’s just me and, truth be told, I’m not home much. No reason to be.”
She continued to study the space. “For a man who wants a family, you chose a strange place to live.”
“This isn’t where I would live if I had a wife and kids.”
That drew her gaze to him. “Where would you live?”
“In a suburb somewhere outside the city. A neighborhood where there are other kids, maybe a community pool. I loved swimming with friends when I was growing up.”
“Your farm had a pool?”
“No, but one of my friends did.”
“Huh.” She nodded and resumed checking out his place.
What was she thinking?
“If I was your client and asked you to redecorate my apartment, what would you do?” he asked.
“Funny you should ask.” She walked toward him and stopped. “What kind of décor do you like? Old-fashioned? Modern? Themed?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it. Modern seems too cold. Old-fashioned too...old. Themed? I think I’d get tired of that after a while.”
“Color-coordinated and cozy-modern?” she asked. “I’m sure there’s a term for that.” She smiled.
“If you’d gone to college for interior design, you’d know it,” he said, smiling slightly so she would know he wasn’t trying to be insulting.
She nodded. “Yes, I suppose I would.”
“You still could, you know. Go to college.”
“I’m thirty-three.”
“That’s young. Lots of people go to college later in life. Nobody truly knows what they want to do with their lives right out of high school.”
“You did.”
Skylar walked over the fireplace and he went to stand beside her, after having fallen into a lengthy admiration of her rear. “You knew what you wanted to do before you graduated high school.”
She looked at him. “I thought I knew.”
“You knew. You just lost your way.” He didn’t say because of her father, but her father was responsible. His bad parenting was the cause.
“I’m very happy with my life, Julien.”
He didn’t believe her. Well, she might be happy, but she would be happier doing what life had called her to do. He decided to test the theory.
“Design my apartment, then. You have a clean slate.” He stretched his hand out to indicate the bland décor. “Don’t just tell me what you’d do. Design it.”
“I’ll pay you whatever the current rate is.”
“No, you don’t have to pay me. Just buy the materials. I’m not actually an interior designer.”
“Okay.” He faced her and stuck out his hand. “Deal.”
He couldn’t explain to himself why this was so important to him. He thought if Skylar did one day realize what she’d given up, she would be more open to leaving ranch life. But his motive wasn’t totally selfish. He felt more than that. He honestly believed she had missed her true calling. Anyone lucky enough to know what their calling was should have the opportunity to explore it. Besides, her ranch wasn’t going anywhere. It would always be there for her. She could live there and still be an interior designer. Changing professions, or even adding a new one, didn’t mean she had to leave.
As he watched her study his apartment, he realized he looked forward to seeing her in action and the end result. He also looked forward to all the time they would spend together.
“This will be fun.”
Skylar’s bright announcement brought his focus back to her. He saw her happy face and had to reach for her hands, drawing her closer. Their kiss had a lasting effect on him. Ever since, he’d had to push back the urge to kiss her again. Seeing her smiling eyes...well, that instinct welled up again.
“You have a beautiful smile,” he said.
The light in her eyes became less jovial, however, and warmed with his nearness. “You’re going to have a beautiful home.”
He could tell she tried to keep the moment casual. He wasn’t in the mood for causal anymore. He had held himself off long enough.
Right now, he needed to find out if that kiss was a one-time thing or if their chemistry was as explosive as he imagined.
He slid his arm around her, resting his hand on her lower back.
“Julien?” Her voice sounded sultry and reactive to
his initiative.
Without responding, he pulled her against him. She put both of hers hands on his chest. Then she looked there, as though the contact had kindled a heated spark. She moved her hand over his muscles and he heard her breathing quicken.
That was all he needed.
He lowered his head, seeking her mouth. She lifted her head and they kissed.
Just like the last time, instant desire ignited. She moved her hands up to wrap them around his neck and shoulders. He embraced her tighter, their bodies pressed against each other, then he deepened the kiss.
After many seconds of hungrily devouring each other, Julien felt her move her hips, as though seeking more intimacy. He didn’t think. He lifted her and walked her to the couch, drawing away to lie her down.
Her eyes met his and, seeing the invitation there, he lowered himself on top of her, pressing his mouth to hers again. He felt his hardness against her and she responded with the lift of her hips. Then she broke from the kiss to breathe deeper.
He met her lustful eyes and then looked down at her breasts. He started to undress her.
“Wait.” She pushed at his chest. “Wait. Oh, wait.”
He understood implicitly. Desire had carried them away. He rose onto his hands, looking down at her blinking eyes and parted lips.
“What are we doing?” she asked.
She sounded alarmed.
Julien stood and she sat up on the couch, putting her face in her hands and then resting her forehead on her fingertips, chest filling and expelling.
He caught his breath, too. “I’m sorry.”
Without looking at him, she stood. “I think you should take me home now.”
Probably a good idea. He had set out to test their chemistry. He did not need any further testing.
* * *
The next morning, Skylar rode in silence with Julien to Wes McKann’s ranch. She hadn’t slept much last night. She’d worried over her reaction to Julien’s kiss. It was so strong, so uncontrollable. She didn’t see how she would make it through this without a broken heart. The sooner they found whoever had shot at her, the better.