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Executive Protection Page 19

  Thad lay on her for a few seconds before rolling to her side. He kept the fantasy alive, unwilling to let it be more than that. But try as he might to keep it at bay, it was more than a fantasy.

  “That was fantastic.” She rolled toward him, saw him staring off across the room, and asked, “Are you okay?”

  He covered it well. Kissing her, he answered, “Yes.”

  Lulled from great sex, she snuggled with him and moments later fell asleep. It was a while later for him before he could put his thoughts to rest. What would morning bring? How would Lucy feel? Would she be willing to engage in his kind of relationship? Or was the most applicable question, how would he feel?

  * * *

  Lucy kissed Thad awake. She’d slept for a couple of hours and waking next to him had stirred her into arousal again. He’d let go with her; she’d felt it when he’d made love to her. Afterward he’d seemed to slip into negative thought, but hadn’t withdrawn as she’d feared he would. She wasn’t sure if anything would come of this, and she wasn’t ready to think about it. All she knew was he was worth a chance.

  As his eyes fluttered open, she pushed him onto his back and straddled him. The covers were askew at the foot of the bed. She waited for him to wake up more. Bending down, she kissed his sexy mouth before moving on to his chest. She kissed him everywhere the way he’d done to her. When she reached his waist, she took his erection into her mouth.

  “Lucy,” he murmured.

  She made him rock hard in a matter of seconds. Kissing him all the way back up to his lips, she met his hazel eyes and saw them drooping, not with tiredness but with flaming passion. She loved that she could do that to him.

  Guiding him between her legs, she sank down onto him. He sucked in a sharp breath. Planting her hands on his muscular chest, she moved her hips to grind on him, going slow at first. He held her breasts, caressing her nipples while he watched her—worshipped was more like it.

  His response emboldened her. She moved faster. His hands moved to her hips and then her thighs. His thumb found her sweet spot and expertly rubbed, slow and in tune with her movements. Until she began to spiral into a pleasurable eddy. He sensed it and rubbed harder. Her orgasm came quickly.

  Rolling with her, he took over the top position and drilled into her. Like her, it didn’t take long.

  Once again he lay on her until their breathing calmed. And as before she feared he’d withdraw. She saw grimness in his eyes before he closed them and kissed her.

  She let him have his space and didn’t say anything. When he lay on his back, she curled next to him. Their lovemaking had a profound effect on him, and Lucy wondered if she should go with it. Not try to get him to talk about his phobia of marriage and kids. He was obviously great with kids, and his trouble with marriage was a misconception, one she was starting to believe he’d overcome...with the right woman.

  Was she the right woman? That she couldn’t answer. But deep inside, deep in her core, she couldn’t ignore the instinct that told her to forget caution, forget her determination to find a man who wanted what she wanted—a family—one she was sure about, and focus her efforts on winning Thad.

  If she was wrong and failed to change his mind, then she’d have some good memories, after her broken heart healed, but good memories nonetheless. She’d also face the challenge of topping Thad. The sex would be difficult to beat.

  But that’s what made him worth the risk. He might have convinced himself that he could have a relationship with a woman and not marry her in preparation for the inevitable split-up, but he could never have a relationship like that with her. He’d withdraw. She hoped she was wrong but she didn’t think she was. If he couldn’t overcome his flaws, this would be a brief relationship. If he made progress and embraced what he felt for her, they had hope.

  The sun was coming up, or sort of. It was overcast today.

  “Weather report said there’s a storm moving in.” When other topics were too heavy, there was always the weather.

  “Late winter storm.” Easing away from her, he sat up on the bed. “Could be a strong one.”

  “Maybe we should just stay in today.”

  “We’ll be all right. The storm won’t get here until tonight. We should be home by then.” He got off the bed. “Let’s get ready.”

  It was early. They had plenty of time. He needed to escape.

  Unable to meet his eyes, she kept her back to him and went to her suitcase for something to wear. Slipping into her robe, she tied it shut as he came up behind her.

  “About last night.”

  Dreading what his comment brought to light, she turned reluctantly toward him.

  “And this morning.” He grinned to be playful but she saw his discomfort. He didn’t like the subject any more than her. Although he had different reasons than her for not liking it, she had to give him credit for having the guts to talk to her.

  “It was good,” he said, and then more honestly, “Really good.”

  Hearing a but coming, Lucy stepped closer and put her finger over his lips. “Let’s not talk about that today. It’s Sophie’s birthday.” She said it as an excuse. She wasn’t prepared for another diatribe about love.


  “Not today.”

  “We have to talk about it.”

  So he could make sure she bought into his antimarriage philosophy? “Not today,” she said with more force.

  He studied her and then relented. “All right, not today.”

  “I’m going to get ready now.” She needed to be alone.

  “Right. Sure.” Awkwardly, he headed for the door. There, he looked back at her and she felt his uncertainty.

  He wanted to convince her to have a relationship with him on his terms. What frightened her was she actually wondered if she should.

  * * *

  After a pizza lunch in Corolla where Lucy endured Thad’s contemplative looks and absorbed herself in Sophie’s excitement, they drove to a sandy parking area not far from Carova. After Thad parked, Lucy bundled Sophie up for their wild horse tour. They were going to return to the beach house for present and cake time. The suspense was killing Sophie. She wanted to skip the horse tour.

  Lucy zipped up Sophie’s jacket and looked up at the darkening sky. “Are you sure we have time for this?”

  Standing with his hands half-stuffed in his front jean pocket, one leg relaxed and looking like a sexy model in a magazine ad, Thad glanced up. “We might get a little cold, that’s all.” Did he think being here out in the cold was better than nestled in the beach house, alone with Lucy?

  “Want to learn about wild horses?” Lucy extended her hand to Sophie.

  “Yeah!” She skipped alongside Lucy toward the open-roofed SUV waiting for them. Thad had arranged for a private tour.

  Thad followed. He’d been withdrawn all day so far, and she knew he was thinking of last night—a dream. She hadn’t cornered him with questions and now she wondered if she should have. He’d tried to talk to her about it and she’d given him an out, something she suspected he appreciated, although it was hard to tell. He was a man who hid his emotions well once he put his mind to it. And he was definitely doing that today. Sophie was their distraction. After spending most of the day putting up with him, Lucy decided not to anymore.

  “Sit with us,” she said. “It will be warmer.”

  With no sign that it bothered him, he sat next to her, Sophie beside Lucy. He had his cop face on. She hadn’t noticed he had one until today. Whenever things got to him and he withdrew, this was how he handled it. Kept it all to himself behind a thick shield of armor, a tough exterior for a strong man.

  The driver began a narrative about the history of the Spanish mustangs that inhabited this area of the Outer Banks for about five hundred years. They were brought here by explorers. A cold
gust of wind diverted her attention. The sky was darker, and out to sea, waves white-capped. The four-wheel-drive vehicle bounced and jerked over the deep sand.

  Lucy put her arm around Sophie and looked ahead to catch sight of a good-sized herd of horses.

  “I see them!” Sophie leaned toward the window, out of reach of Lucy’s arm. The driver slowed, explaining that they couldn’t get too close, as the animals were protected here.

  Lucy shivered as another gust of wind whipped through the open SUV. They were exposed on all sides, except where the windshield rose up.

  Thad surprised her by putting his arm around her. Checking to see how pained he was and seeing a slight smile curve up, she snuggled closer, welcoming the warmth. She couldn’t tell if she’d triggered the smile or if the outing had. It didn’t matter—being close to him thrilled her and she didn’t stop the good feeling. He was also more relaxed than she’d seen him all day.

  Sophie was absorbed in the horses and what the guide was telling them about this particular herd, which mares were expecting and tidbits of behavioral details, like how some horses liked humans more than others. She wondered if he was making it all up.

  After an hour and viewing two more herds, the driver headed back to where he’d picked them up. On the way, it began to rain. Tiny pelts of rain at first, but the closer they got to the parking area, the heavier it fell. Lucy noticed Thad surveying the sky. Maybe the tour guide should have offered to reschedule. He probably didn’t get many requests for private tours this time of year and maybe he needed the money.

  The rain was getting uncomfortable. Even Sophie forgot all about horses and huddled close to Lucy. She held her and Thad held them both.

  “It’s cold!” Sophie complained.

  Why did children think adults could fix everything?

  “We’ll be all right,” Thad said. “I’ll get us back to the beach house.”

  Lucy didn’t doubt he would. Sophie didn’t mind the weather at all. She was having fun searching for horses, who were now becoming scarce as they sought shelter.

  The driver turned around and headed back to where they’d parked the Jeep. The tour was over, if a bit rushed. Lucy didn’t mind. She’d rather get out of this weather. Plus, being close to Thad gave her a warm glow. His cop face had vanished and fondness for her had taken its place. Not afraid of the storm and not afraid of what last night and this morning meant. He was completely relaxed now.

  Every time she tipped her head up to see him, he looked down, and each time he did so was warmer than the last. Who needed a jacket when his eyes and all they let her see heated her plenty? And oh, she did love his eyes, more than ever after last night.

  He seemed to feel the same about hers, because when she tipped her head again, he didn’t look away. Encouraged that last night hadn’t been a total loss, she lifted her face more and pecked a quick kiss to his lips. The moment felt right for it. No alarm or withdrawal changed the way he regarded her. He seemed to lose himself in what they made together. Love. The fuel for it. Not wanting to own that two-ton block any more than she was sure he did, she just went with it, embraced the moment and whatever followed.

  Still staring at each other, she closed her eyes when he kissed her softly and a lot longer. She could kiss him all night.

  They separated when Sophie’s child voice sang, “Hhheeeyy,” followed by a giggle.

  Sophie may have been embarrassed by the sight of them kissing, but she eyed them with curiosity. She’d seen the love brewing there. Kids weren’t stupid. They knew the real thing when they saw it.

  The driver noticed, too, grinning to himself as he turned the windshield wipers to a faster speed. The rain had picked up.

  By the time they made it to the sandy parking area, their Jeep rental was the only vehicle left, and the rain poured in earnest.

  Lucy took Thad’s hand and then Lucy’s and they ran to the Jeep. The wind had really picked up, driving sheets of rain into the sandy landscape. It was hard to breathe it was so strong.

  Thad took Sophie from Lucy. “Get in.”

  She did while he made sure Sophie was seat-belted in. Then he walked with his head turned away from the pelting rain. Sitting behind the wheel, he dripped water but wasn’t daunted by it. He started the engine and drove as fast as he could through the deep, wet sand.

  “It’s going to get bad tonight,” she said.

  “Yeah.” He kept his focus on the barely visible outline of the rough road. “I’ll get us home.”

  The way he said that pulled Lucy’s heart. He may not be convinced he would be lucky enough to find real love, but he cared for her and Sophie. He cared more than he realized.

  It wasn’t even dinnertime and a person wouldn’t be able to tell. It was so dark. Thad navigated the dirt and sand road with firm hands. They weren’t far from the house. Lightning flashed and thunder rolled.

  Lucy checked on Sophie. She’d dug into her tote and had her dolls out, bobbing them up and down as though they were riding horses. Her innocent trust touched her. She may know the weather was bad, but she trusted Lucy and Thad.

  The jolt of the Jeep brought her facing forward again. Thad steered through deep, wet sand. For a moment Lucy thought they’d get stuck, but he maneuvered the vehicle without faltering. She could see the house ahead. Sheets of rain pelted to the ground. The Jeep’s headlights had come on. The sun was probably setting but it was already dark.

  Thad seemed confident he’d get them back to the beach house, but Lucy was beginning to wonder.

  Chapter 15

  Sitting at a table in the expansive library at the Winston estate, Darcy put his head in his hand as he read the report from someone Thad knew, someone anonymous. Thad had given him a cell phone number, an untraceable one. His contact may have really come through for them. They had to be careful that no one discovered where they were digging. Darcy had let the man loose on several people, Wade Thomas included.

  The chief of police had a lot going on in his life. Thomas was a security red flag. He fit a stereotypical tragedy. In debt up to his eyeballs, ready to finish a bitter divorce, he had a lot in common with Jaden and Layne. But the three didn’t run in the same circles.

  “Hey, lover.” Avery lightened his mood. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “This place is amazing. I went to the gym and stopped for coffee on my way here. All in the same building.”

  The estate had everything. He chuckled and stood from the desk, looping his arms around her. “Mmm, you’re sweaty enough for a shower.”

  “Join me.” She winked.

  “What are you doing drinking coffee at this hour?” It was just after dinner.

  “Decaf. The cook here makes them better than a coffee shop. How about that shower? Then we can go to bed early.”

  “I need to check something out.” He kissed her quickly and moved away before he changed his mind.

  “You found something?”

  He’d told her about the case he and Thad were carrying out in secret. “Maybe.” He gave her a peck on her mouth. “Don’t wait up for me.”

  “You’re going out?”

  “I need to see what the chief is up to.”

  She looked disappointed but didn’t complain. “Wake me up when you get back.”

  Because of what happened to Lucy, she’d taken a few days off work. With Jaden gone, the security detail was solid. Everyone was on heightened alert. Even Kate had agreed to stay put for a while. She was happy Thad had agreed to go to Carova with Lucy. Darcy had seen her smiling and humming a lot.

  Darcy was surprised when Thad had asked him to stay here. It would take a lot for his friend to abandon the case, even for a little while. And that something must be Lucy.

  “I will.” With one more kiss, he left the room and then the estate. The agent working the gate
would alert the others that he wouldn’t be close to Kate.

  * * *

  Two hours later he was about to give up his watch at Wade’s residence when a car pulled into the driveway. It wasn’t terribly late but it was late enough to make the visit suspicious. A man he didn’t recognize got out and walked toward the front door.

  Darcy took pictures of the car and the man, getting a good face shot when he turned to look around. He had a special night-vision camera that Sam had given him. The army sure had some neat toys.

  Wishing there was a way to listen in on the nine o’clock meeting, Darcy drove away. He was alone and wouldn’t risk getting caught. The license plate and photos would be enough for now. Besides, he missed Avery. One more stop and he’d go home to her.

  At the station he looked up the license plate number and got a name. Andrew Lindeman. He searched several databases and found nothing criminal on the man he’d seen. He’d get a background started on him.

  On his way back to Kate’s estate, he tried calling Thad but there was no answer. As he ended the call, he noticed a car behind him. If the silver Lexus sedan was a tail, the driver didn’t care if it was obvious, which didn’t bode well for Darcy. And it looked a lot like the car he’d seen at Wade’s. He couldn’t see the plate, but what were the odds that another silver Lexus would be following him?

  He gave his car all the gas it would take. Sure enough, the one behind him did the same.

  Darcy took a corner and headed for the freeway. If he could make it to the estate...

  The car raced up to his bumper. Darcy swerved and veered around another car on the freeway. The Lexus drove ahead of the other car and then cut Darcy off. Darcy nearly lost control.

  The driver of the Lexus was trying to steer him off the road. Darcy avoided a collision with a semi, staying on one side while the Lexus was forced to drive on the other. Darcy slowed, got into the lane behind the semi, then raced up behind the Lexus. He didn’t have to memorize the plate. It was the same one he’d seen at Wade’s.